Draws Boys/Girls: 32/ 16 Draws or in case of less pairs a Round Robin.
Consolation draw for who lose in first round.
Live streaming:
– Main Court:
o From round: TBC
Players Services responsible :
Name: Katrien T’Kindt
Mail: fipmiddelkerke@gmail.com
Phone: +32 475 77 78 48
Tournament Director
Name: Steve Huysveld
Mail: fipmiddelkerke@gmail.com
Phone number: +32 471 34 88 38
Tournament Main Referee
Name: Gregory Hermans – Bart Deblauwe
Mail: ghermans@tecnifibre.com
Phone number:
+3247471 57 69
+3247861 05 99
Other services for players:
Welcome pack All players will receive welcome pack. Therefore in the registration form, we would like to ask for size of T-shirt
technifications during the week
Consolation draw
Hotels and apartments
Situated at 250 mtrs from the seaside, lots of hotels and apartments for rent. Attention : this is a very much asked weekend.
Hotels :
Acropolis Hotel located in the backyard of our club www.hotelacropolis.be
Ibis Budget hotel, located close to airport Ostend-Bruges www.ibisbudgetoostende.be
C- hotels www.c-hotels.be
Hotel Kristoffel www.hotelkristoffel.be
Hotel Honfleur www.hotel-honfleur.be
Link to Facebook page (for any info and update)